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During the war, Dutch army were unprepared for the battle because they had outdated weapons and equipments. The Dutch army didn't have as much armoured tanks or cars, this led to their downfall. The Dutch's air force were also outdated they only had 140 aircrafts and 65 of them were destroyed on the first day. The German air forces were aiming to capture the Dutch government in Hague and also the airfields at Ockenburg and Ypenburg. The Dutch managed to take down numerous aircrafts that were being sent by the Germans. The Dutch later then surrendered to the Germans because of the Rotterdam blitz which was the bombing of the city. After the Dutch knew that they were running out of supplies and ammunition which led to their surrender. During the German occupation of the Netherlands it was controlled by a German civilian Arthur Seys-Inquart. They started a policy which outlawed all socialists and communist parties, the Germans were also interested in making the country designated air force area for the Luftwaffe. The Dutch were also forced to work in the German factories if you were between 18 and 45. The people that refused to work, they went into hiding. People hiding resisted against them and stole ration cards. The Dutch war also forced to collaborate with the German army and they were told to find Dutch Jews.

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